How to change the color of highlighted misspelled word?
Try this:
:hi SpellBad guibg=#ff2929 ctermbg=224
is for GUIctermbg
is for TERM
You can use the hi
(short for :help highlight
) command in your ~/.vimrc
. The general structure is:
hi SpellBad ctermfg=015 ctermbg=000 cterm=none guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000000 gui=none
The cterm
is for terminal vim and the gui
is for gVim. The fg
stands for foreground and is the color of the letters and the bg
stands for background and is the color behind the letters.
Terminal colors can be 0-15 for standard terminal colors (8 normal and 8 bright) or 0-255 for terms supporting 256 colors, like xterm-256colors. The gui colors are in hexadecimal format. xterm-color-table is a useful reference for both 256 and hexadecimal colors. The final option can be used to specify bold, italic, or none (neither).
In your case, it might be simplest to set the foreground to black to make the letters stand out. First, find a word that's mispelled with :set spell
and then typing asdflkjasldf or something. Then type :hi SpellBad ctermfg=000 guifg=#000
and see if that's a solution you like. If not, use the xterm-color-table or another color reference to find a color you do like.