How to change the height of a <br>?

So, peeps above have got basically a similar answer, but here it is very succinctly. Works in Opera, Chrome, Safari & Firefox, most likely IE too?

br {
            display: block; /* makes it have a width */
            content: ""; /* clears default height */
            margin-top: 0; /* change this to whatever height you want it */

Another way is to use an HR. But, and here's the cunning part, make it invisible.


<hr style="height:30pt; visibility:hidden;" />

To make a cleaner BR break simulated using the HR: Btw works in all browsers!!

{ height:2px; visibility:hidden; margin-bottom:-1px; }

Here is the correct solution that actually has cross-browser support:

  br {
        line-height: 150%;


br {
   display: block;
   margin: 10px 0;

The solution is probably not cross-browser compatible, but it's something at least. Also consider setting line-height:


For Google Chrome, consider setting content:

content: " ";

Other than that, I think you're stuck with a JavaScript solution.


