How to "clone" an object into a subclass object?
You can achieve this by using reflection.
Advantage: Maintainability. No need for changing copy-constructor or similar, adding or removing properties.
Disadvantage: Performance. Reflection is slow. We're still talking milliseconds on average sized classes though.
Here's a reflection-based shallow copy implementation supporting copy-to-subclass, using extension methods:
public static TOut GetShallowCopyByReflection<TOut>(this Object objIn)
Type inputType = objIn.GetType();
Type outputType = typeof(TOut);
if (!outputType.Equals(inputType) && !outputType.IsSubclassOf(inputType)) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("{0} is not a sublcass of {1}", outputType, inputType));
PropertyInfo[] properties = inputType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
FieldInfo[] fields = inputType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
TOut objOut = (TOut)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TOut));
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
property.SetValue(objOut, property.GetValue(objIn, null), null);
catch (ArgumentException) { } // For Get-only-properties
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
field.SetValue(objOut, field.GetValue(objIn));
return objOut;
This method will copy all properties - private and public, as well as all fields. Properties are copied by reference, making it a shallow copy.
Unit tests:
public class ExtensionTests {
public void GetShallowCloneByReflection_PropsAndFields()
var uri = new Uri("");
var source = new TestClassParent();
source.SomePublicString = "Pu";
source.SomePrivateString = "Pr";
source.SomeInternalString = "I";
source.SomeIntField = 6;
source.SomeList = new List<Uri>() { uri };
var dest = source.GetShallowCopyByReflection<TestClassChild>();
Assert.AreEqual("Pu", dest.SomePublicString);
Assert.AreEqual("Pr", dest.SomePrivateString);
Assert.AreEqual("I", dest.SomeInternalString);
Assert.AreEqual(6, dest.SomeIntField);
Assert.AreSame(source.SomeList, dest.SomeList);
Assert.AreSame(uri, dest.SomeList[0]);
internal class TestClassParent
public String SomePublicString { get; set; }
internal String SomeInternalString { get; set; }
internal String SomePrivateString { get; set; }
public String SomeGetOnlyString { get { return "Get"; } }
internal List<Uri> SomeList { get; set; }
internal int SomeIntField;
internal class TestClassChild : TestClassParent {}
I would add a copy constructor to A, and then add a new constructor to B that takes an instance of A and passes it to the base's copy constructor.
There is no means of doing this automatically built into the language...
One option is to add a constructor to class B that takes a class A as an argument.
Then you could do:
B newB = new B(myA);
The constructor can just copy the relevant data across as needed, in that case.