How to close a readable stream (before end)?

Edit: Good news! Starting with Node.js 8.0.0 readable.destroy is officially available:


You can call the ReadStream.destroy function at any time.

var fs = require("fs");

var readStream = fs.createReadStream("lines.txt");
    .on("data", function (chunk) {
    .on("end", function () {
        // This may not been called since we are destroying the stream
        // the first time "data" event is received
        console.log("All the data in the file has been read");
    .on("close", function (err) {
        console.log("Stream has been destroyed and file has been closed");

The public function ReadStream.destroy is not documented (Node.js v0.12.2) but you can have a look at the source code on GitHub (Oct 5, 2012 commit).

The destroy function internally mark the ReadStream instance as destroyed and calls the close function to release the file.

You can listen to the close event to know exactly when the file is closed. The end event will not fire unless the data is completely consumed.

Note that the destroy (and the close) functions are specific to fs.ReadStream. There are not part of the generic stream.readable "interface".

Invoke input.close(). It's not in the docs, but

clearly does the job :) It actually does something similar to your isEnded.

EDIT 2015-Apr-19 Based on comments below, and to clarify and update:

  • This suggestion is a hack, and is not documented.
  • Though for looking at the current lib/fs.js it still works >1.5yrs later.
  • I agree with the comment below about calling destroy() being preferable.
  • As correctly stated below this works for fs ReadStreams's, not on a generic Readable

As for a generic solution: it doesn't appear as if there is one, at least from my understanding of the documentation and from a quick look at _stream_readable.js.

My proposal would be put your readable stream in paused mode, at least preventing further processing in your upstream data source. Don't forget to unpipe() and remove all data event listeners so that pause() actually pauses, as mentioned in the docs



