How to configure dynamic routes with express.js

I would do the same thing you did for /modules/:name

app.get('/article/:id', function(req , res){
  res.render('article' +;

It would be more meaningful from a rest point of view.

If you cannot do it for any particular reason you might want to do something like:

var articlesEndpoints = ['/article2', '/article3'];
articlesEndpoints.forEach(function(name) {
  app.get(name, function(req, res) {

Is this what you meant?

There are many ways to implement dynamic express routes. It depends to a great extent on the structure you have implemented in your project, here I leave an example of dynamic routes and I hope it will be useful.


module.exports = (function(myCustomRoutes) {
   let express = require('express');
   let router  = express.Router();
   let methods = Object.keys(myCustomRoutes); // getting methods ('get', 'post'... etc)
   let routesMethod = null;
   let url = null;

   for(i in methods) {
      routesMethod = Object.keys(myCustomRoutes[methods[i]]);
      for(j in routesMethod) {
         url = '/' + routesMethod[j];
         url += '/:' + myCustomRoutes[methods[i]][routesMethod[j]].params.join('/:');console.log(url);
         router[methods[i]](url, myCustomRoutes[methods[i]][routesMethod[j]].controller);

   return router;


module.exports = (function() {
    let routes = {get: {}, post: {}};
    let routerService = require('./RouterService');

    // GET:  /dynamic1
    routes.get.dynamic1 = {
       params: [],
       controller: function(req, res, next) {
           res.send('route 1');

    // GET:  /dynamic2/:param1
    routes.get.dynamic2 = {
       params: [':param1'],
       controller: function(req, res, next) {
           res.send('route 2');
    // POST: /dynamic3/:param1/:param1 = {
       params: ['param1', 'param2'],
       controller: function(req, res, next) {
          res.send('route 3');

    *  Export a router with paths
    *  GET:  /dynamic1
    *  GET:  /dynamic2/:param1
    *  POST: /dynamic3/:param1/:param1
    return routerService(routes);


let express = require('express');
let app = express();

 *  Option 1
 *  GET:  /dynamic1
 *  GET:  /dynamic2/:param1
 *  POST: /dynamic3/:param1/:param1

 *  Option 2
 *  GET:  /api/v1/dynamic1
 *  GET:  /api/v1/dynamic2/:param1
 *  POST: /api/v1/dynamic3/:param1/:param1
 app.use('/api/v1', require('CustomRoutes')());

Here is what I did to create dynamic APIs while I am in control over which API allows access to which methods. To maintain the APIs from now on, you can just edit the APIs array.

const APIs = [
        route: 'order',
        methods: ['get', 'post']
        route: 'item',
        methods: ['get']
APIs.forEach(api => {
    api.methods.forEach(method => {
        app[method]('/' + api.route, (req, res) => require('./routes/' + api.route)[method](req, res))

Finally got it working..

In cases where I got, article1, article2 etc:

app.get('/:name(article|article2|article3)?', function(req, res) {
    var name =;

In cases where I got multi level url, I created a custom function:

function geturl(url) {

  app.get('/' + url + '/' + ':name', function(req, res){
    var name =;
    res.render(url + '/' + name);
