How to connect to an HTTPS WebDAV Folder on Windows 7?

Instead of going through the GUI it said you should go to a command prompt and type in a command similar to this one:

net use *

It prompted me for a username and password and then mapped the drive.

I was able to access my files this way. Hope it works for you.


This works for Windows 10:

net use drive_letter: \\sitename@ssl@port/folder/subfolder password /user:userID

The @port is the port number if required. For example

net use x: \\ /user:stu

Go to a "Computer" Explorer window, right click, and click "Add a Network Location.

In the dialog box you write like this


for example if your webdav URL is should be



Don't add 'https://' at start of you address

Your SSL certificate should be added to windows store if it is self signed.

Sometimes it fails at first time but with second try it works .