How to control Victory x axis ticks labels

You may show labels as x-axis ticks. Then to control margin/padding you may set container's width a bit wider to fit bolder bars.

import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { VictoryChart, VictoryBar, VictoryAxis, VictoryContainer, VictoryLabel } from "victory";

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {

    let month = new Array(12);
    month[0] = "January";
    month[1] = "February";
    month[2] = "March";
    month[3] = "April";
    month[4] = "May";
    month[5] = "June";
    month[6] = "July";
    month[7] = "August";
    month[8] = "September";
    month[9] = "October";
    month[10] = "November";
    month[11] = "December";

    return (
      <div style={{ width: 600 }}>
        <VictoryChart domainPadding={30}
            containerComponent={<VictoryContainer responsive={false}/>}>
              grid: { stroke: "grey" }
            tickFormat={(x) => ``}
            padding={{ left: 20, right: 60 }}
            style={{ data: { fill: "red" } }}
              { x: new Date("2019-01-01"), y: 2 },
              { x: new Date("2019-02-01"), y: 3 },
              { x: new Date("2019-03-01"), y: 5 },
              { x: new Date("2019-04-01"), y: 4 },
              { x: new Date("2019-05-01"), y: 8 },
              { x: new Date("2019-06-01"), y: 2 },
              { x: new Date("2019-07-01"), y: 3 },
              { x: new Date("2019-08-01"), y: 5 },
              { x: new Date("2019-09-01"), y: 9 },
              { x: new Date("2019-10-01"), y: 3 },
              { x: new Date("2019-11-01"), y: 5 },
              { x: new Date("2019-12-01"), y: 6 }
            labels={( datum ) => `${month[datum.x.getMonth()]}`}
            labelComponent={<VictoryLabel y={250} verticalAnchor={"start"}/>}

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

As a sandbox: link