How to convert a pandas dataframe into one dimensional array?
Here's one approach to have each row as one list to give us a 1D
array of lists -
In [231]: df
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1622 95 1717 85.278544 1138.964373 1053.685830
1 62 328 390 75.613900 722.588235 646.974336
2 102 708 810 75.613900 800.916667 725.302767
3 102 862 964 75.613900 725.870370 650.256471
4 129 1380 1509 75.613900 783.711111 708.097211
In [232]: out = np.empty(df.shape[0], dtype=object)
In [233]: out[:] = df.values.tolist()
In [234]: out
array([list([1622.0, 95.0, 1717.0, 85.278544, 1138.964373, 1053.6858300000001]),
list([62.0, 328.0, 390.0, 75.6139, 722.5882349999999, 646.974336]),
list([102.0, 708.0, 810.0, 75.6139, 800.916667, 725.302767]),
list([102.0, 862.0, 964.0, 75.6139, 725.87037, 650.256471]),
list([129.0, 1380.0, 1509.0, 75.6139, 783.7111110000001, 708.097211])], dtype=object)
In [235]: out.shape
Out[235]: (5,)
In [236]: out.ndim
Out[236]: 1