how to convert HashMultiset<String> to Map<String,Integer>

You can use Maps.asMap. With lambda expression (Java 8) it will be a one-liner:

Maps.asMap(multiset.elementSet(), elem -> multiset.count(elem));

In Java 7 and below:

final Multiset<String> multiset = HashMultiset.create();
Map<String, Integer> freqMap = Maps.asMap(multiset.elementSet(), 
    new Function<String, Integer>() {
        public Integer apply(String elem) {
            return multiset.count(elem);

Updated to java 8, here is what I found as the best answer (based on other answers):

public static <E> Map<E, Integer> convert(Multiset<E> multiset) {
    return multiset.entrySet().stream().collect(


public static <E> Map<E, Integer> convert(Multiset<E> multiset) {
    return multiset.entrySet().stream().collect(

With Eclipse Collections you can use the method toMapOfItemToCount on a Bag (aka Multiset), which will return a Map with a key of the same type in the Bag and an Integer count.

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse collections.