How to convert IPv4 to Integer using CoffeScript?

EDIT: Coffeescript

ipStringToInteger = (x) ->
  res = 0
  (res = res * 256 + Number(y) for y in x.split("."))

which compiles down to

var ipStringToInteger;
ipStringToInteger = function(x) {
  var res, y, _i, _len, _ref;
  res = 0;
  _ref = x.split(".");
  for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
    y = _ref[_i];
    res = res * 256 + Number(y);
  return res;

A short pure Javascript implementation is

var ipV4StringToInteger = function(string) {
  var parts = string.split(".");

  var sum = 0;

  for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    var partVal = Number(parts[i]);
    sum = (sum << 8) + partVal;

  return sum;

A good pure Javascript implementation is

var ipV4StringToInteger = function(string) {
  var parts = string.split(".");
  if(parts.length != 4)
    throw new Error("IPv4 string does not have 4 parts.");

  var sum = 0;

  for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

    var part = parts[i];
      throw new Error("Non-digit, non-period character in IPv4 string.");

    var partVal = Number(part);
    if(partVal > 255)
      throw new Error("IPv4 string contains invalid value.");

    sum = ((sum << 8) + partVal) >>> 0;

  return sum;

I'll take the bit-shifting approach:

ip_to_int = (value) ->
  result = 0

  for part, i in value.split "."
    result |= part << (3-i) * 8


To use it is simple:

alert ip_to_int ""

To convert an ip to integer you need the formula

(first octet * 256³) + (second octet * 256²) + (third octet * 256) + (fourth octet)

Let ip = '', that could be written as:

integer = 0
for octet, i in ip.split('.')
    integer += octet * Math.pow 256, 3-i

And it can be simplified using the reduce method:

integer = ip.split('.').reduce ((t, n) -> t*256 + parseInt n), 0