How to convert VMDK to VDI/VHD

You can use a two-step procedure then - first, use the clonemedium command to create a VDI image:

VBoxManage clonemedium disk aaaa.vmdk aaaa.vdi --format VDI 

(Have a look also at other options to clonemedium, like --variant. To read the help, just run VBoxManage | less or visit

Once you have the .vdi file, you can proceed with your modifications.

If you would like to convert only the virtual disk, not entire VM, you can also use qemu-img for Windows: it's free, portable and it runs under command prompt.

VirtualBox, VMware, Hyper-V disk image types are all supported.

For example, to convert VMDK to VHDX:

qemu-img.exe convert FileSource-Image.vmdk -O vhdx FileDestination-Image.vhdx

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