How to create a "placeholder" for DIV that act like textfield?

You can try this one !


<div contentEditable=true data-text="Enter name here"></div>


content:attr(data-text) }

check it out (demo)

Here is a pure CSS only solution:-

<div contentEditable=true data-ph="My Placeholder String"></div>

Here, we basically select all contentEditable <divs> that are empty & blurred. We then create a pseudo element before the CSS selection (the editable div) and fix our placeholder text (specified the data-ph attribute) as its content.

If you are targeting old school CSS2 browsers, change all occurrences of data-ph to title
Correction.......the :empty selector is not supported in IE version 8 and earlier.

What I find in other answers is that when using :not(:focus) pseudo class, I have to click again in order to get the blinking cursor and be able to type. Such issue doesn't happen if I click on an area other than the placeholder.

My workaround is simply removing :not(:focus). Even though in this way the placeholder will still be there after I click on the editable div, I'm able to type no matter where in the div I click, and the placeholder disappears immediately after I type something.

BTW, I inspected YouTube's comment div implementation, seems they are doing the same thing, e.g.[aria-label].yt-formatted-string:empty:before

.editableDiv2 {
  border-bottom: 1px solid gray;
  outline: none;
  margin-top: 20px;

.editableDiv1[contentEditable="true"]:empty:not(:focus):before {
  content: attr(placeholder)

.editableDiv2[contentEditable="true"]:empty:before {
  content: attr(placeholder)
<div class="editableDiv1" contentEditable=true placeholder="If you click on this placeholder, you have to click again in order to get the blinking cursor and type..."></div>

<div class="editableDiv2" contentEditable=true placeholder="Click on placeholder is fine, it'll disappear after you type something..."></div>