How to create a rectangle wave (duty cycle $\ne$ 50 %)?
See if this helps
squareWave[t_, period_, duty_] := UnitBox[Mod[t/period, 1.]/(2. duty)]
Plot[squareWave[t, 10, 0.8], {t, -2, 21}]
What I'd do:
With[{d = 1/3}, (* duty cycle *)
Plot[(1 + (-1)^Floor[x] (-1)^Floor[d - x])/2, {x, -5, 5},
Axes -> {False, True}, Frame -> True, PlotPoints -> 105,
PlotRange -> {-5/4, 5/4}]]
If you absolutely must use the SquareWave[]
function, there is the identity
$$\text{SquareWave}[\{a,b\},x]=\frac{a+b}{2}+\frac{b-a}{2}(-1)^{\lfloor 2 x\rfloor}$$
I'll leave the conversion up to you.
You can make any duty cycle you want by combining TriangleWave
and Sign
Sign[TriangleWave[t] - a]
As a
goes from +/-1, you get all possible duty cycles. To see this:
Manipulate[Plot[Sign[TriangleWave[t] - a], {t, -3, 3},
Exclusions -> None], {a, -1, 1}]