How to create a table with a two or more foreign keys using Android Room?

class TblCategory {
    public String id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "cat_name")
    public String name;
} (It is missing the foreign key reference but it is not important for the case)

class TblPost {
    public String id;

    public String title, content, create_time, author_id;

@Entity(foreignKeys = {
        entity = TblPost.class,
        parentColumns = "post_id",
        childColumns = "tbl_post_id"
        entity = TblCategory.class,
        parentColumns = "cat_id",
        childColumns = "tbl_category_id"
class TblPostCategory {
    public String id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "tbl_category_id")
    public String categoryId;

In Kotlin:

    tableName = "some_table",
    indices = [Index("id"), Index("brand_id"), Index("model_id")],
    foreignKeys = [
        ForeignKey(entity = BrandEntity::class, parentColumns = ["id"],
            childColumns = ["brand_id"]),
        ForeignKey(entity = ModelEntity::class, parentColumns = ["id"],
            childColumns = ["model_id"]),
        ForeignKey(entity = Table1Entity::class, parentColumns = ["id"],
            childColumns = ["table1_id"]),
        ForeignKey(entity = Table2Entity::class, parentColumns = ["id"],
            childColumns = ["table2_id"])