How to create alternating rows in a table?

You can use the features of the colortbl package with additions of xcolor. See code below for a small example.

\usepackage[table]{xcolor}    % loads also »colortbl«

    Table head & Table head\\
    Some values & Some values\\
    Some values & Some values\\
    Some values & Some values\\
    Some values & Some values\\

enter image description here

The particular package manuals have the details.

This can easily be achieved using xcolor. It is explained at Wikibooks, you just add the table option to \usepackage{xcolor} and in the table itself you put


One thing that might be worth pointing out, is that apparently, many packages call on xcolor, and I had endless clashes first time I tried it, and it took me such a long time to figure this one out, so I felt it might help someone as slow as me to mention this: The xcolor package should be loaded last (or at least after the clashing packages).