How to create and call a pipe from the component in Angular 2?
You need to specify it within the pipes
attribute of your component
pipes: [ filter ]
export class MyComponent {
and use it in your template:
{{someArray | filter}}
<div *ngFor="someArray | filter">(...)</div>
If you want to call the pipe directly within the component class, you need to instantiate it and call its tranform
export class MyComponent {
constructor() {
let filterPipe = new filter();
let arr = [ ... ];
var fiteredArr = filterPipe.transform(arr);
I just wanted to add to @pasha-oleynik answer. Angular 2+ including Ionic 2+ all expect the pipe to be declared in the module:
declarations: [
AppComponent ,
Also this is the only place that the pipe needs to be declared. There is no longer a pipe property under a module or component.
In version rc6 you need to register the pipes you want to use in a module -> declarations
declarations: [
AppComponent ,