How to create dynamical scoped variables in Python?

I feel Justice is plain right in his reasoning here.

On the other hand -- I can't resist implementing proof of concept for still another programing paradigm "unnatural" to Python -- I simply love doing this. :-)

So, I created a class whose objects'attributes are scopped just like you require (and can be created dynamically). As I said, it is just in a proof of concept state - but I think most usual errors, (like trying to access a variable ina scope it is not defined at all) should have errors raised, even if not the proper ones (IndexError due to a stack underflow instead of AttributeError, for example)

import inspect

class DynamicVars(object):
    def __init__(self):
        object.__setattr__(self, "variables", {})

    def normalize(self, stackframe):
        return [hash(tpl[0]) for tpl in stackframe[1:]]

    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
        stack = self.normalize(inspect.stack())
        d = {"value": value, "stack": stack}
        if not attr in self.variables:
            self.variables[attr] = []
            our_value = self.variables[attr]
            if our_value[-1]["stack"] == stack:
                our_value[-1]["value"] = value
            elif len(stack) <= len(our_value):
                while our_value and stack !=  our_value["stack"]:
            else: #len(stack) > len(our_value):
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if not attr in self.variables:
            raise AttributeError
        stack = self.normalize(inspect.stack())
        while self.variables[attr]:
            our_stack = self.variables[attr][-1]["stack"]
            if our_stack == stack[-len(our_stack):]:
            raise AttributeError
        return self.variables[attr][-1]["value"]

# for testing:
def c():
    D = DynamicVars()
    D.c = "old"
    print D.c
    def a():
        print D.c
    def b():
        D.c = "new"
    def c():
        D.c = "newest"


2020 update - Another similar question showed up, and I crafted a hack that needs no special namespace objects (but which resorts to using inner things from cPython, like updating the locals() to actual variables: (works with Python 3.8)

The Python idiom corresponding to Lisp "special" or dynamically-scoped variables is "thread local storage".

Here is a good discussion: What is "thread local storage" in Python, and why do I need it?

If you want to fully emulate Lisp's special variables, including the let statement, you can use a context manager:

from __future__ import with_statement # if Python 2.5
from contextlib import contextmanager
import threading

dyn = threading.local()

def dyn_vars(**new):
    old = {}
    for name, value in new.items():
        old[name] = getattr(dyn, name, None)
        setattr(dyn, name, value)
    for name, value in old.items():
        setattr(dyn, name, value)

Example (patently silly, but it shows the reentrant feature):

def greet_self():
    print 'Hi', dyn.who_am_I

def greet_selves():
    with dyn_vars(who_am_I='Evil Twin'):

with dyn_vars(who_am_I='Tobia'):

Here's something that works a bit like Lisp's special variables, but fits a little better into Python.

_stack = []

class _EnvBlock(object):
    def __init__(self, kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs
    def __enter__(self):
    def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):

class _Env(object):
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        for scope in reversed(_stack):
            if name in scope:
                return scope[name]
        raise AttributeError("no such variable in environment")
    def let(self, **kwargs):
        return _EnvBlock(kwargs)
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        raise AttributeError("env variables can only be set using `with env.let()`")

env = _Env()

You can use it like this:

with env.let(bufsize=8192, encoding="ascii"):
    print env.bufsize  # prints 8192
    a()  # call a function that uses env.bufsize or env.encoding

The effects of env.let last for the duration of the with block.

Note that if you use threads, you'll definitely want a different _stack for each thread. You could use threading.local to implement that.