How to define a new triangle symbol with middle line for use as a maths operator?

I am not a big fan of using TikZ everywhere so I propose here a more minimal version based on good old \bigtriangleup. I also am not a big fan of \left/\right at all costs, so I propose a definition based on \DeclarePairedDelimiterXPP from mathtools. The automatic scaling can be obtained with the starred version, while manual sizes can be passed as optional parameter.


       \scriptscriptfont\fi\fi\fi 3

\usepackage{mathtools}% for the following








enter image description here

Something like this?

enter image description here



%Code here to define \triangleline
    \pgfmathsetlengthmacro\radius{\a/2 * tan(30)}
    \draw[line width=\b] (0, 0) -- (60:\a) -- (\a, 0) -- cycle (\a/2, 0) -- (60:\a);
  \ifx#1\displaystyle 1.2\fontdimen8\textfont3\else
  \ifx#1\textstyle 1.2\fontdimen8\textfont3\else
  \ifx#1\scriptstyle 1.4\fontdimen8\scriptfont3\else





Play with the factors for the line thickness until you're happy.

Don't define \trilineop to take an argument: supplying the parentheses makes the code cleaner; avoid \left and \right when they're not necessary, like here.