How to define a new Vim operator with a parameter?

Consider one of the plugins for writing custom text objects. For example:

Here is an example implementation of the command described in the question, for illustrative purposes.

nnoremap <silent> s :set opfunc=Surround<cr>g@
vnoremap <silent> s :<c-u>call Surround(visualmode(), 1)<cr>

function! Surround(vt, ...)
    let s = InputChar()
    if s =~ "\<esc>" || s =~ "\<c-c>"
    let [sl, sc] = getpos(a:0 ? "'<" : "'[")[1:2]
    let [el, ec] = getpos(a:0 ? "'>" : "']")[1:2]
    if a:vt == 'line' || a:vt == 'V'
        call append(el, s)
        call append(sl-1, s)
    elseif a:vt == 'block' || a:vt == "\<c-v>"
        exe sl.','.el 's/\%'.sc.'c\|\%'.ec.'c.\zs/\=s/g|norm!``'
        exe el 's/\%'.ec.'c.\zs/\=s/|norm!``'
        exe sl 's/\%'.sc.'c/\=s/|norm!``'

To get user input, the function InputChar() is used, assuming that the required argument is a single character.

function! InputChar()
    let c = getchar()
    return type(c) == type(0) ? nr2char(c) : c

If it is necessary to accept a string argument, change the call to InputChar() in Surround() to the call to input(), instead.

The title of the question might cause misunderstanding. What you want to do is to define a new operator like y, d and c, neither motions nor text objects, isn't it? :help :map-operator describes how to define a new operator. To take a parameter like the surround plugin, use getchar() in your 'operatorfunc'.

Though :help :map-operator describes the basics, it's a bit troublesome to deal with arguments passed to 'operatorfunc'. You can use vim-operator-user to simplify the handling of arguments. With this plugin, surround-like operator can be written as follows:

function! OperatorSurround(motion_wise)
  let _c = getchar()
  let c = type(_c) == type(0) ? nr2char(_c) : _c
  if c ==# "\<Esc>" || c == "\<C-c>"

  let bp = getpos("'[")
  let ep = getpos("']")
  if a:motion_wise ==# 'char'
    call setpos('.', ep)
    execute "normal! \"=c\<Return>p"
    call setpos('.', bp)
    execute "normal! \"=c\<Return>P"
  elseif a:motion_wise ==# 'line'
    let indent = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*')
    call append(ep[1], indent . c)
    call append(bp[1] - 1, indent . c)
  elseif a:motion_wise ==# 'block'
    execute bp[1].','.ep[1].'substitute/\%'.ep[2].'c.\zs/\=c/'
    execute bp[1].','.ep[1].'substitute/\%'.bp[2].'c\zs/\=c/'
    call setpos('.', bp)
call operator#user#define('surround', 'OperatorSurround')
map s  <Plug>(operator-surround)

If you really want to define your own text objects, please consider vim-textobj-user.

