How to define a new Vim operator with a parameter?
Consider one of the plugins for writing custom text objects. For example:
Here is an example implementation of the command described in the question, for illustrative purposes.
nnoremap <silent> s :set opfunc=Surround<cr>g@
vnoremap <silent> s :<c-u>call Surround(visualmode(), 1)<cr>
function! Surround(vt, ...)
let s = InputChar()
if s =~ "\<esc>" || s =~ "\<c-c>"
let [sl, sc] = getpos(a:0 ? "'<" : "'[")[1:2]
let [el, ec] = getpos(a:0 ? "'>" : "']")[1:2]
if a:vt == 'line' || a:vt == 'V'
call append(el, s)
call append(sl-1, s)
elseif a:vt == 'block' || a:vt == "\<c-v>"
exe sl.','.el 's/\%'.sc.'c\|\%'.ec.'c.\zs/\=s/g|norm!``'
exe el 's/\%'.ec.'c.\zs/\=s/|norm!``'
exe sl 's/\%'.sc.'c/\=s/|norm!``'
To get user input, the function InputChar()
is used, assuming that
the required argument is a single character.
function! InputChar()
let c = getchar()
return type(c) == type(0) ? nr2char(c) : c
If it is necessary to accept a string argument, change the call to
in Surround()
to the call to input()
, instead.
The title of the question might cause misunderstanding. What you want to do is to define a new operator like y
, d
and c
, neither motions nor text objects, isn't it?
:help :map-operator
describes how to define a new operator. To take a parameter like the surround plugin, use getchar()
in your 'operatorfunc'
Though :help :map-operator
describes the basics, it's a bit troublesome to deal with arguments passed to 'operatorfunc'
. You can use vim-operator-user to simplify the handling of arguments. With this plugin, surround-like operator can be written as follows:
function! OperatorSurround(motion_wise)
let _c = getchar()
let c = type(_c) == type(0) ? nr2char(_c) : _c
if c ==# "\<Esc>" || c == "\<C-c>"
let bp = getpos("'[")
let ep = getpos("']")
if a:motion_wise ==# 'char'
call setpos('.', ep)
execute "normal! \"=c\<Return>p"
call setpos('.', bp)
execute "normal! \"=c\<Return>P"
elseif a:motion_wise ==# 'line'
let indent = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*')
call append(ep[1], indent . c)
call append(bp[1] - 1, indent . c)
elseif a:motion_wise ==# 'block'
execute bp[1].','.ep[1].'substitute/\%'.ep[2].'c.\zs/\=c/'
execute bp[1].','.ep[1].'substitute/\%'.bp[2].'c\zs/\=c/'
call setpos('.', bp)
call operator#user#define('surround', 'OperatorSurround')
map s <Plug>(operator-surround)
If you really want to define your own text objects, please consider vim-textobj-user.