How to delete all duplicate hardlinks to a file?
In the end it wasn't too hard to do this manually, based on Stéphane's and xenoid's hints and some prior experience with find
I had to adapt a few commands to work with FreeBSD's non-GNU tools — GNU find
has the -printf
option that could have replaced the -exec stat
, but FreeBSD's find
doesn't have that.
# create a list of "<inode number> <tab> <full file path>"
find rsnapshots -type f -links +1 -exec stat -f '%i%t%R' {} + > inodes.txt
# sort the list by inode number (to have consecutive blocks of duplicate files)
sort -n inodes.txt > inodes.sorted.txt
# remove the first file from each block (we want to keep one link per inode)
awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN {lastinode = 0} {inode = 0+$1; if (inode == lastinode) {print $2}; lastinode = inode}' inodes.sorted.txt >
# delete duplicates (watch out for special characters in the filename, and possibly adjust the read command and double quotes accordingly)
cat | while read line; do rm -f "$line"; done
To find the inodes that have more that one link:
find . -exec stat -c '%i' {} \; | sort -n | uniq -d
Then you can iterate that list with
find -inum {inode_number}
to list the files that share the inode. Which to remove is up to you.