Drupal - How to delete all nodes of a given content type?
There is a module for that (TM).
See Bulk Delete.
That will use the Batch API to delete the nodes to avoid timeout or memory issues when deleting thousands of nodes with a single call to node_delete_multiple().
Bulk Delete is an abandoned module. See for alternatives:
Views Bulk Operations
Delete All
Looking at the Devel Generate module for inspiration, here is its "content kill" function devel_generate_content_kill
function devel_generate_content_kill($values) { $results = db_select('node', 'n') ->fields('n', array('nid')) ->condition('type', $values['node_types'], 'IN') ->execute(); foreach ($results as $result) { $nids[] = $result->nid; } if (!empty($nids)) { node_delete_multiple($nids); drupal_set_message(t('Deleted %count nodes.', array('%count' => count($nids)))); } }
So I would try either using Devel Generate to delete all nodes but create no new ones, or use example.com/devel/php to call devel_generate_content_kill(array('node_types' => array('my_node_type')));
In Drupal 8 one way is use the entityQuery() method with the EntityStorageInterface::delete() method:
$result = \Drupal::entityQuery("node")
->condition("type", "YOUR_CONTENT_TYPE_NAME")
// If the update is being executed via drush entityQuery will only
// return the content uid 0 have access to. To return all set
// accessCheck to false since it defaults to TRUE.
$storage_handler = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage("node");
$entities = $storage_handler->loadMultiple($result);
If you need to apply other filters/conditions you can check the QueryInterface interface page
EDIT (Other way, thanks to @4k4):
$storage_handler = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage("node");
$entities = $storage_handler->loadByProperties(["type" => "YOUR_CONTENT_TYPE_NAME"]);
If you want to test the code you can use:
drush php-eval '$storage_handler = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage("node"); $entities = $storage_handler->loadByProperties(["type" => "article"]); $storage_handler->delete($entities);'
This will delete all your articles.