How to delete multiple files in S3 bucket with AWS CLI

s3 rm cannot delete multiple files, but you can use s3api delete-objects to achieve what you want here.


aws s3api delete-objects --bucket x.y.z --delete '{"Objects":[{"Key":"worksheet.xlsx"},{"Key":"purple.gif"}]}'

You can do this by providing an --exclude or --include argument multiple times. But, you'll have to use --recursive for this to work.

When there are multiple filters, remember that the order of the filter parameters is important. The rule is the filters that appear later in the command take precedence over filters that appear earlier in the command.

aws s3 rm s3://x.y.z/ --recursive --exclude "*" --include "purple.gif" --include "worksheet.xlsx"

Here, all files will be excluded from the command except for purple.gif and worksheet.xlsx.

If you're unsure, always try a --dryrun first and inspect which files will be deleted.

Source: Use of Exclude and Include Filters