How to detect pressed keys on the click of AngularJS

In your html

<button ng-click="doSomething($event)"></button>

In your js

$scope.doSomething = function($event)
if ($event.altKey){}
if ($event.ctrlKey){}
if ($event.shiftKey){}

Take a look at this beautiful Stuff regarding AngularJS key handling

So key code for Ctrl, shift, alt will be

Ctrl - 17
Alt - 18
Shift - 16

Working Demo


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="angular.js"></script>
  <script src="script.js"></script>

<body ng-app="mainModule">
  <div ng-controller="mainController">
    <label>Type something:
      <input type="text"
             ng-keypress="onKeyPress($event)" />
    </label><br />
    <strong>KEY DOWN RESULT:</strong> {{onKeyDownResult}}<br />
    <strong>KEY UP RESULT:</strong> {{onKeyUpResult}}<br />
    <strong>KEY PRESS RESULT:</strong> {{onKeyPressResult}}


angular.module("mainModule", [])
  .controller("mainController", function ($scope)
    // Initialization
    $scope.onKeyDownResult = "";
    $scope.onKeyUpResult = "";
    $scope.onKeyPressResult = "";

    // Utility functions

    var getKeyboardEventResult = function (keyEvent, keyEventDesc)
      return keyEventDesc + " (keyCode: " + (window.event ? keyEvent.keyCode : keyEvent.which) + ")";

    // Event handlers
    $scope.onKeyDown = function ($event) {
      $scope.onKeyDownResult = getKeyboardEventResult($event, "Key down");

    $scope.onKeyUp = function ($event) {
      $scope.onKeyUpResult = getKeyboardEventResult($event, "Key up");

    $scope.onKeyPress = function ($event) {
      $scope.onKeyPressResult = getKeyboardEventResult($event, "Key press");