How to display a random line from a text file?

You can use shuf utility to print random lines from file

$ shuf -n 1 filename

-n : number of lines to print


$ shuf -n 1 /etc/passwd

git:x:998:998:git daemon user:/:/bin/bash

$ shuf -n 2 /etc/passwd


You can also use sort command to get random line from the file.

sort -R filename | head -n1

Just for fun, here is a pure bash solution which doesn't use shuf, sort, wc, sed, head, tail or any other external tools.

The only advantage over the shuf variant is that it's slightly faster, since it's pure bash. On my machine, for a file of 1000 lines the shuf variant takes about 0.1 seconds, while the following script takes about 0.01 seconds ;) So while shuf is the easiest and shortest variant, this is faster.

In all honesty I would still go for the shuf solution, unless high efficiency is an important concern.



# get line count for $FILE (simulate 'wc -l')
while read -r line; do
done < $FILE

# get a random number between 1 and $lc
let "rnd %= $lc"

# traverse file and find line number $rnd
while read -r line; do
 [ $i -eq $rnd ] && break
done < $FILE

# output random line
printf '%s\n' "$line"