How to display images in Markdown files on Github?

I just had the same issue and it turned out to be caused by the space in the URL. Manually URL encoding the space as %20 fixed it.

So using your example I changed:

![](images/table 1-1.png)



2021 Edit: Thanks Emilio for pointing out that the GitHub flavored markdown spec has been updated to allow spaces in filenames when the filename is enclosed inside "pointy" (angle) brackets:

The destination can only contain spaces if it is enclosed in pointy brackets
Example 498
[link](</my uri>) --> <p><a href="/my%20uri">link</a></p>

Ref: (scroll up for description)

This works with images too so we can now also use:

![](<images/table 1-1.png>)

I found the answer myself.

Just simply append ?raw=true to the image url will make the trick:

![](images/table 1-1.png?raw=true)