How to distill / rasterize a PDF in Linux
After unsuccessfully trying some options to render the fonts as outlines (including this question and pstoedit), I figured out a way to easily convert the PDF into rasterized form using ImageMagick:
convert -density 600 +antialias input.pdf output.pdf
This creates a PDF rendered at 600 dpi, with antialias turned off (unnecessary at that resolution).
The output files are huge (~30 MB for an 8-page document) and extremely slow to print, but should work as long as the printer has enough memory to render the content.
I think my current preferred way to do it is:
Use pdftoppm to convert the PDF file into a series of images.
$ pdftoppm source.pdf output -png
Use img2pdf to create a pdf file out of those images.
$ img2pdf *.png -o output.pdf
The good news is you can create a bash script to automate the whole process for you.
Here is a bash script that will distill all pdf files within a directory and preserve the originals in a new directory "originals".
mkdir "originals";
for filename in ./*.pdf; do
pdftoppm "$filename" output -png
mv "$filename" ./originals
img2pdf *.png "-o" "$filename"
rm *.png
Credits: img2pdf answer & pdftoppm answer & bash script help: 1 & 2
(Side note) You can install img2pdf using:
$ sudo apt install img2pdf