how to do excel's 'format as table' in python
You can do it with Pandas also. Here's an example:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
'city': ['New York', 'London', 'Prague'],
'population': [19.5, 7.4, 1.3],
'date_of_birth': ['1625', '43', 'early 8th century'],
'status_of_magnetism': ['nice to visit', 'nice to visit', 'definetely MUST visit']
# initialize ExcelWriter and set df as output
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(r'D:\temp\sample.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Cities', index=False)
# worksheet is an instance of Excel sheet "Cities" - used for inserting the table
worksheet = writer.sheets['Cities']
# workbook is an instance of the whole book - used i.e. for cell format assignment
workbook =
Then define format of a cell (i.e. rotate text, set vertical and horizontal align) via workbook.add_format
header_cell_format = workbook.add_format()
# create list of dicts for header names
# (columns property accepts {'header': value} as header name)
col_names = [{'header': col_name} for col_name in df.columns]
# add table with coordinates: first row, first col, last row, last col;
# header names or formatting can be inserted into dict
worksheet.add_table(0, 0, df.shape[0], df.shape[1]-1, {
'columns': col_names,
# 'style' = option Format as table value and is case sensitive
# (look at the exact name into Excel)
'style': 'Table Style Medium 10'
Alternatively worksheet.add_table('A1:D{}'.format(shape[0]), {...})
can be used, but for df with more columns or shifted start position the AA, AB,... combinations would have to be calculated (instead of "D")
And finally - the following loop rewrites headers and applies header_cell_format. Which we already did in worksheet.add_table(...)
and so it looks redundant, but this is a way to use Excel's AutoFit option - without this all header cells would have default width (or cell height if you use the 90degs rotation) and so either not the whole content would be visble, or set_shrink() would have to be applied...and then the content wouldn't be readable :).
(tested in Office 365)
# skip the loop completly if AutoFit for header is not needed
for i, col in enumerate(col_names):
# apply header_cell_format to cell on [row:0, column:i] and write text value from col_names in
worksheet.write(0, i, col['header'], header_cell_format)
# save writer object and created Excel file with data from DataFrame
OK, after searching the web, I realized that with xlwt
it's not possible to do it, but with XlsxWriter
it's possible and very easy and convenient.