How to document exceptions of async methods?

Not a direct answer, but personally I'd advise leaning towards fast-fail here; this might mean writing 2 methods:

public Task WriteAsync(string text) // no "async"
    // validation
    if (text == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("text", "Text must not be null.");

    return WriteAsyncImpl(text);
private async Task WriteAsyncImpl(string text)
    // async stuff...

This pattern is also an ideal place to add "fast path" code, for example:

public Task WriteAsync(string text) // no "async"
    // validation
    if (text == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("text", "Text must not be null.");

    if (some condition)
        return Task.FromResult(0); // or similar; also returning a pre-existing
                                   // Task instance can be useful

    return WriteAsyncImpl(text);

Microsoft doesn't seem to differentiate between the async method throwing an exception and the returned Task having an exception stored in its Exception property. E.g.:

WebClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync(string, string)

Personally, I would choose to document the exceptions as part of the documentation for the return value (i.e. the returned Task), since the distinction may be important for clients.