How to draw a proper decision tree
Here's a solution with forest
for tree={
child anchor=north,
s sep+=1cm,
straight edge/.style={
edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge},thick,-{Latex}]
(!u.parent anchor) -- (.child anchor);}
if n children={0}
{tier=word, draw, thick, rectangle}
{draw, diamond, thick, aspect=2},
if n=1{%
edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge},thick,-{Latex}]
(!u.parent anchor) -| (.child anchor) node[pos=.2, above] {Y};}
edge path={\noexpand\path[\forestoption{edge},thick,-{Latex}]
(!u.parent anchor) -| (.child anchor) node[pos=.2, above] {N};}
[$x_2$, tikz={\draw[{Latex}-, thick] (.north) --++ (0,1);}
\tikzset{box/.style={draw, diamond, thick, text centered, minimum height=0.5cm, minimum width=1cm}}
\tikzset{line/.style={draw, thick, -latex'}}
\node [box] (x3) {x\ped{3}};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of x3, xshift=-3cm] (x1sx) {x\ped{1}};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of x3, xshift=3cm] (x2dx) {x\ped{2}};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of x1sx, xshift=-1cm] (x2sx) {x\ped{2}};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of x2sx, xshift=1cm] (A2sx) {A\ped{2}};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of x2sx, xshift=-1cm] (A1sx) {A\ped{1}};
\node [box, right=1cm of A2sx] (A3sx) {A\ped{3}};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of x2dx, xshift=1cm] (x1dx) {x\ped{1}};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of x1dx, xshift=-1cm] (A2dx) {A\ped{2}};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of x1dx, xshift=1cm] (A3dx) {A\ped{3}};
\node [box, left=0.5cm of A2dx] (A1dx) {A\ped{1}};
\path [line] (x3) -| (x2dx);
\path [line] (x3) -| (x1sx);
\path [line] (x2dx) -| (x1dx);
\path [line] (x2dx) -| (A1dx);
\path [line] (x1dx) -| (A2dx);
\path [line] (x1dx) -| (A3dx);
\path [line] (x1sx) -| (x2sx);
\path [line] (x1sx) -| (A3sx);
\path [line] (x2sx) -| (A1sx);
\path [line] (x2sx) -| (A2sx);