How to draw a toroid using Tikz?

This has been asked many times in different versions. Code from my answer: Modify TikZ coil decoration

\documentclass[tikz, border=3mm]{standalone}


% Decorations based on

% coilup decoration
% Parameters: \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude, \pgfdecorationsegmentlength,

  \state{coil}[switch if less than=%
    \pgfdecorationsegmentaspect\pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude to last,
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0    }{ 0.555}{1}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0.445}{ 1    }{2}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{ 1    }{3}}
    \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{-1    }{9}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0.445}{-1    }{10}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0    }{-0.555}{11}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0    }{ 0    }{12}}
    \pgfdecorationsegmentaspect\pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude,next state=final]
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0    }{ 0.555}{1}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0.445}{ 1    }{2}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{ 1    }{3}}
    \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{ 1    }{3}}     

% coildown decoration
% Parameters: \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude, \pgfdecorationsegmentlength,

  \state{coil}[switch if less than=%
    \pgfdecorationsegmentaspect\pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude to last,
    \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{1    }{3}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1.555}{ 1    }{4}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{ 0.555}{5}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{ 0    }{6}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{-0.555}{7}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1.555}{-1    }{8}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{-1    }{9}}
    \pgfdecorationsegmentaspect\pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude,next state=final]
  % Comment the next 5 lines when closing the last loop
  \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{ 1    }{3}}
  {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1.555}{ 1    }{4}}
  {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{ 0.555}{5}}
  {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{ 0    }{6}}

  \advance\pgf@x by#3\pgf@xa%


\draw [thick, black] (92:1.9) -- (92:2.6);
\draw[decorate, decoration={coilup,amplitude=2mm,segment length=2.3mm}, thick, black] (92:1.9) arc (92:442.2:1.9);
\draw[fill=white, even odd rule] (0,0) circle (2) (0,0) circle (1.8);
\draw [thick, black] (441.2:1.9) -- (441.2:2.6);
\draw[decorate, decoration={coildown,amplitude=2mm,segment length=2.3mm}, thick, black] (92:1.9) arc (92:442:1.9);


If you do not mind fine tuning you can just use a dash pattern.


    decoration={coil,amplitude=2mm,segment length=2.3mm}
\draw (0,0)   circle[radius=2];
\draw (0,0)   circle[radius=1.8];
\draw [thick,black](92:2) -- (92:2.6);
\draw [thick,black](441.4:1.9) -- (441.4:2.6);
\draw[decorate,thick,black,dash pattern=on 21.5pt off 6.3pt,dash phase=24.5pt] 
    (92:1.9) arc[start angle=92,end angle=441.5,radius=1.9];

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