How to Enable Salesforce1 For Community User?

I wanted to add that I was able to login to the mobile app as a community user but its very confusing and sadly disappointing feature wise.

Heres how you do it:

  1. First you have to grant access to the community user profile by checking the Salesforce1 for iOS box in the "Connected App" section of the profile settings
  2. Then launch the app on your phone and open the "drawer" and click "add new account"
  3. From here click on the gear in the top right corner to go to the "choose connection" screen
  4. your options here are Production and Sandbox but there also a plus button in the top right click that and you can add a custom host
  5. the host should be and then you can use whatever label you want
  6. When you save and select that option you will be able to login using a community user credientials

Whew, you made it this far, but now for the bad news.

You are logged in and the mobile app even takes the branding colors from your community BUT you dont seem to be able to do anythign at all inside the app. The menu only has two options topics and tasks both of which are blank even know i know both of these do exist in this community. Clicking on topics says "The page you are trying to access is not supported on mobile devices" and Tasks simply lists "my tasks" saying you dont have any tasks in this list.

No posting to chatter, viewing record, not even a way to update your profile. Settings do seem to let you update your push notification settings but if you try and turn any of them on it just turns them right back off for you.

I can only hope that salesforce is planning a mobile app for communities users (ideally one specifically designed for them) but sadly as of the Summer 14 release doesnt seem to do anything at all