How-to ensure consistent legend when using PieChart?

DynamicModule[{n = 20}, 
 Column[{Row[{Slider[Dynamic[n], {1, 100, 1}], Dynamic[n]}], 
   Dynamic[Legended[PieChart[Thread[Style[#[[All, 2]], #[[All, 1]] /.
        {True -> Red, False -> Green}] ], 
      ChartStyle -> {Green, Red}] &@ 
      Tally@RandomChoice[{True, False}, n], 
     SwatchLegend[{Green, Red}, {False, True}]]]}]]

Mathematica graphics

Mathematica graphics

Alternatively (thanks: Brett Champion):

DynamicModule[{n = 20}, 
 Column[{Row[{Slider[Dynamic[n], {1, 100, 1}], Dynamic[n]}], 
   Dynamic[PieChart[Thread[Style[#[[All, 2]], #[[All, 1]] /. 
                      {True -> Red, False -> Green}]], 
       ChartLegends -> SwatchLegend[{Green, Red}, {False, True}]] &@
     Tally@RandomChoice[{True, False}, n]]}]]

The Red/Green problem stems from the fact that Tally returns tallied values in the order each element is first encountered, and the other issue is because Tally doesn't return a 0 entry for elements not in the list. Both issues can be solved with a custom tally:

explicitTally[list_,toTally_List] := {#, Count[list, #]} & /@ toTally;

If you use explicitTally[#,{True,False}] in place of Tally everything should work correctly. Use is shown below, I also used Transpose and Apply (@@) to clean it up a little.

 {n = 20},
     Slider[Dynamic[n], {1, 100, 1}],
       ChartLegends -> #1,
       ChartStyle -> {Green, Red}
       ] & @@ 
      explicitTally[RandomChoice[{True, False}, n], {True, False}]