How to exclude a folder from a nuget package
To directly answer the posters question, if you want to exclude only the obj folder from a Nuget package use the following in your nuspec xml
<file src="*\**" target="\" exclude="obj\**\*.*"/>
I needed to create a WebApplication, but deploy it as a standard ASP.NET website using "CodeFile" attributes.
This was basically to update a page in the standard ADFS login site.
<file src="**" exclude="**\*.dll;**\*.designer.cs;**\*.csproj;**\*.pdb;**\*.user;**\*.vspscc;bin\*.cs;bin\*.aspx;bin\*.config;bin\*.asax;bin\*.pubxml" />
Depending on the project you are building, you shouldn't need to exclude anything.
If you are building a Windows Service/Console application, OctoPack should only package your bin\release
If you are building a web application, you should use a 'publish' command to have MSBuild sent the binaries and content files to a temporary folder, and OctoPack will package that. This way your obj
folders and C# files won't be packaged.
For information on how to do this, please see the section on Web Application Publishing at: