How to export all routes in Express?

What I do is group my routes by controller. For each group of related routes (users, shopping cart, whatever), I make a controller file that lives in app/controllers/foo.js where foo is the controller name. In my main javascript server file (where all your code currently lives), I require each controller by name and then call its setup function, passing in my express app object, and allow the controller to add whatever routes it needs.

['api', 'authorization', 'users', 'tests'].map(function(controllerName) {
    var controller = require('./controllers/' + controllerName);

Inside each controller, I do something like:

exports.setup = function(app) {
    app.get('/dashboard', function(req, res) {
        res.render('dashboard', {
            username: req.session.username

Why not do something like this:

// logout.js
module.exports = function(req, res){
  res.render('logout', {
    username: req.session.username

// dashboard.js
module.exports = function(req, res){
  res.render('dashboard', {
    username: req.session.username

// login.js
module.exports = function(req, res){
  res.render('login', {
    badLogin: false,
    loginError: false

// app.js
app.get('/logout', require('logout'));
app.get('/dashboard', require('dashboard'));
app.get('/login', require('login'));

Also, you could imagine easily using to loop through a routes directory and load these up programmatically.

You could even do something along the lines of...

module.exports.handler[] = {
    method : 'get',
    route  : '/login',
    action : res.render('login', {
       badLogin: false,
       loginError: false

Though I think I'd spend a little time thinking about how to simplify that.