How to expose a function returning a C++ object to Python without copying the object?

If you have a modern C++ compiler and can use rvalue references, move constructors and std::move it's pretty straight-forward. I think the easiest way is to create a Cython wrapper for the vector, and then use a move constructor to take hold of the contents of the vector.

All code shown goes in peak_detection_.pyx.

First wrap std::move. For simplicity I've just wrapped the one case we want (vector<Peak>) rather than messing about with templates.

cdef extern from "<utility>":
    vector[Peak]&& move(vector[Peak]&&) # just define for peak rather than anything else

Second, create a vector wrapper class. This defines the Python functions necessary to access it like a list. It also defines a function to call the move assignment operator

cdef class PyPeakVector:
    cdef vector[Peak] vec

    cdef move_from(self, vector[Peak]&& move_this):
        self.vec = move(move_this)

    def __getitem__(self,idx):
        return PyPeak2(self,idx)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.vec.size()

Then define the class the wraps the Peak. This is slightly different to your other class in that it doesn't own the Peak it wraps (the vector does). Otherwise, most of the functions remain the same

cdef class PyPeak2:
    cdef int idx
    cdef PyPeakVector vector # keep this alive, since it owns the peak rather that PyPeak2

    def __cinit__(self,PyPeakVector vec,idx):
        self.vector = vec
        self.idx = idx

    cdef Peak* getthisptr(self):
        # lookup the pointer each time - it isn't generally safe
        # to store pointers incase the vector is resized
        return &self.vector.vec[self.idx]

    # rest of functions as is

    # don't define a destructor since we don't own the Peak

Finally, implement getPeaks()

cdef class PyPeakDetection:
    # ...    
    def getPeaks(self, data):
        cdef Peak peak
        cdef PyPeak new_peak
        cdef vector[Peak] peaks = self.thisptr.getPeaks(data)

        retval = PyPeakVector()

        return retval

Alternative approaches:

If Peak was nontrivial you could go for an approach where you call move on Peak rather that on the vector, as you construct your PyPeaks. For the case you have here move and copy will be equivalent for `Peak.

If you can't use C++11 features you'll need to change the interface a little. Instead of having your C++ getPeaks function return a vector have it take an empty vector reference (owned by PyPeakVector) as an input argument and write into it. Much of the rest of the wrapping remains the same.



