How to extract ONLY the contents of the JDK installer
I use 7-zip to do that. It seems to handle that installer/self-extracting executables nicely.
Here's .bat script for unpacking "pack" files. Must be run in the root of unzipped JDK.
@echo off
echo **********************
echo unpack JDK pack-files
echo **********************
set JAVA_HOME=c:\glassfish4\jdk7
setlocal enableextensions
for /r %%f in (*) do call :process %%f
goto :eof
if NOT "%~x1" == ".pack" goto :eof
set FOLDER=%~p1
set PWD=%CD%
pushd %FOLDER%
echo Unpacking %~nx1
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\unpack200.exe %~nx1 %~n1.jar
goto :eof
You can do the installation once and then zip up the installed stuff placed under \Programs\Java.
This can be unzipped elsewhere later and used as a JDK in most IDE's without needing a full reinstall (but then Windows does not know about it)
I've created cygwin script to do that:
# usage example: jdk-7u67-windows-x64.exe (result will be in jdk/)
# Requires: p7zip, unzip
7z x -ojdk "$JDK_EXE"
unzip jdk/ -d jdk/
find jdk/ -type f \( -name "*.exe" -o -name "*.dll" \) -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;
rm jdk/
find jdk/ -type f -name "*.pack" | while read eachFile; do
echo "Unpacking $eachFile ...";
./jdk/bin/unpack200.exe $eachFile ${eachFile%.pack}.jar;
rm $eachFile;