How to fetch current locale in view in Laravel 5.3

At first create a locale route and controller :

Route::get('/locale/{lang}', 'LocaleController@setLocale')->name('locale');

class LocaleController extends Controller
    public function setLocale($locale)
        if (array_key_exists($locale, Config::get('languages'))) 
            Session::put('app_locale', $locale);
        return redirect()->back();

Now you can check easily in every page:

  $locale = app()->getLocale();
  $version = $locale == 'en' ? $locale . 'English' : 'Bangla';

try this. It will give the locale set in your application



To use this in blade, use like the following, to echo your current locale in blade.

{{ Config::get('app.locale') }}

If you want to do a if condition in blade around it, it will become,

   @if ( Config::get('app.locale') == 'en')

   {{ 'Current Language is English' }}

   @elseif ( Config::get('app.locale') == 'ru' )

   {{ 'Current Language is Russian' }}


To get current locale,
