How to find an object by name in pyqt?

To find all the QCheckBox items in your UI you can run a loop through all the children of the widget like as below:

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QCheckBox
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject

class Mainwindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        # super().__init__()
        self.checkbox = QCheckBox(self)
        self.checkbox_1 = QCheckBox(self)

        for checkstate in self.findChildren(QCheckBox):
            print(f'get check state:{checkstate.checkState()}')

You can use QObject::findChild method. In pyqt it should be written like this:

checkbox = self.findChild(QtGui.QCheckBox, "checkBoxEnabled")

self should be a parent widget of the checkbox.