How to fix "module 'platform' has no attribute 'linux_distribution'" when installing new packages with Python3.8?

It looks like at least on my Ubuntu 16.04, pip is shared for all Python versions in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip.

This is what I did to get it working again:

  • sudo apt remove python3-pip
  • sudo python3.8 -m easy_install pip

You might want to install the python 3.5 version of pip again with sudo python3.5 -m easy_install pip.

Python 3.8 removed some stuff. I solved my problems with pip (specifically pip install) by installing pip with curl

What worked for me was:
cd ~/Downloads
curl -o
Then running it with python 3.8:

Solved it for me.


The problem is that package.linux_distribution was deprecated starting with Python 3.5(?). and removed altogether for Python 3.8.

Use the distro package instead. This package only works on Linux however.

I ran into this problem after installing OpenCobolIDE on Linux Mint 20, having upgraded Python to the latest level. have submitted a code fix to the OpenCobolIDE author to review and test. I was able to get the IDE to start up and run with this fix.

Essentially the fix uses the distro package if available, otherwise it uses the old platform package. For example:

This code imports distro if available:

import platform
using_distro = False
    import distro
    using_distro = True
except ImportError:

Then you can test the value of using_distro to determine whether to get the linux distro type from package or distro, for example:

if using_distro:
    linux_distro =
    linux_distro = platform.linux_distribution()[0]