How to get a current Item's info from QtGui.QListWidget?

Use QListWidget.currentRow to get the index of the current item:

def print_info():
    print myListWidget.currentRow()
    print myListWidget.currentItem().text()

A QListWidgetItem does not know its own index: it's up to the list-widget to manage that.

You should also note that currentItemChanged sends the current and previous items as arguments, so you could simplify to:

def print_info(current, previous):
    print myListWidget.currentRow()
    print current.text()
    print current.isSelected()

Well, I have listed some of the things you can display about the current item, if you want more than this then you should look through the PyQt Documentation. link

 def print_info():
    print myListWidget.currentItem().text()
    print myListWidget.row(myListWidget.currentItem())
    print myListWidget.checkState()  # if it is a checkable item
    print myListWidget.currentItem().toolTip().toString()
    print myListWidget.currentItem().whatsThis().toString()
