How to get a variable value from Environment files in Phoenix?
Okay, found something. Elixir's Application.get_env/3
is the way to go:
get_env(app, key, default \\ nil)
But the problem with this is that the accessor command becomes very long for the current situation:
# Set value in config/some_env_file.exs
config :my_large_app_name, MyLargeAppName.Endpoint,
http: [port: {:system, "PORT"}],
url: [host: ""],
# Get it back
Application.get_env(:my_large_app_name, MyLargeAppName.Endpoint)[:my_var]
A better way would be to define them in a separate section:
config :app_vars,
a_string: "Some String",
some_list: [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3],
another_bool: true
and access them like this:
Application.get_env(:app_vars, :a_string)
# => "Some String"
Or you could fetch a list
of all key-value pairs:
# => [a_string: "Some String", some_list: [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3], another_bool: true]
I had some bug with @sheharyar solution, so here mean:
I had to create new block without MyLargeAppName.Endpoint,
# Set value in config/some_env_file.exs
config :my_large_app_name,
and then in your code
Application.get_env(:my_large_app_name, :my_var)
WARNING: as @José Valim said you can not set any name as key :my_large_app_name
it have to be the same of your project