How to get all files under a specific directory in MATLAB?
You're looking for dir to return the directory contents.
To loop over the results, you can simply do the following:
dirlist = dir('.');
for i = 1:length(dirlist)
This should give you output in the following format, e.g.:
name: 'my_file'
date: '01-Jan-2010 12:00:00'
bytes: 56
isdir: 0
datenum: []
Update: Given that this post is quite old, and I've modified this utility a lot for my own use during that time, I thought I should post a new version. My newest code can be found on The MathWorks File Exchange: dirPlus.m
. You can also get the source from GitHub.
I made a number of improvements. It now gives you options to prepend the full path or return just the file name (incorporated from Doresoom and Oz Radiano) and apply a regular expression pattern to the file names (incorporated from Peter D). In addition, I added the ability to apply a validation function to each file, allowing you to select them based on criteria other than just their names (i.e. file size, content, creation date, etc.).
NOTE: In newer versions of MATLAB (R2016b and later), the dir
function has recursive search capabilities! So you can do this to get a list of all *.m
files in all subfolders of the current folder:
dirData = dir('**/*.m');
Old code: (for posterity)
Here's a function that searches recursively through all subdirectories of a given directory, collecting a list of all file names it finds:
function fileList = getAllFiles(dirName)
dirData = dir(dirName); %# Get the data for the current directory
dirIndex = [dirData.isdir]; %# Find the index for directories
fileList = {dirData(~dirIndex).name}'; %'# Get a list of the files
if ~isempty(fileList)
fileList = cellfun(@(x) fullfile(dirName,x),... %# Prepend path to files
subDirs = {dirData(dirIndex).name}; %# Get a list of the subdirectories
validIndex = ~ismember(subDirs,{'.','..'}); %# Find index of subdirectories
%# that are not '.' or '..'
for iDir = find(validIndex) %# Loop over valid subdirectories
nextDir = fullfile(dirName,subDirs{iDir}); %# Get the subdirectory path
fileList = [fileList; getAllFiles(nextDir)]; %# Recursively call getAllFiles
After saving the above function somewhere on your MATLAB path, you can call it in the following way:
fileList = getAllFiles('D:\dic');