How to get assembly output from building with Cargo?

Both existing answers (using cargo rustc and RUSTFLAGS) are the best ways to obtain assembly with standard tools. If you find yourself trying to look at assembly fairly often, you might want to consider using the cargo asm subcommand. After installing it with cargo install cargo-asm, you can print assembly like:

cargo build --release
cargo asm my_crate::my_function

There are a few things to pay attention to, though:

  • Unsure about the path of your function? Just run cargo asm and it will list all symbols you can inspect.
  • You have to cargo build --release before trying to look at the assembly, because cargo asm (apparently) only looks at the already existing build-artifacts
  • The code for the function you want to inspect has to be actually generated. For generic functions this means that the function has to be instantiated/monomorphized with a concrete type. If that doesn't happen in your crate, you can always add a dummy function at the top level that does everything you want to inspect the assembly of.

If you just want to look at the assembly output instead of saving it, e.g. to judge if it's well-optimized, then an easy option is to use:

(don't forget to add -O to the Compiler options box)

You can use Cargo's cargo rustc command to send arguments to rustc directly:

cargo rustc -- --emit asm
ls target/debug/deps/<crate_name>-<hash>.s

For optimized assembly:

cargo rustc --release -- --emit asm
ls target/release/deps/<crate_name>-<hash>.s

If you see multiple <crate_name>-<hash>-<hash>.rcgu.s files instead of a <crate_name>-<hash>.s file, disable incremental compilation by setting the environment variable CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0.

In addition to kennytm's answer, you can also use the RUSTFLAGS environment variable and use the standard cargo commands:

RUSTFLAGS="--emit asm" cargo build
cat target/debug/deps/project_name-hash.s

Or in release mode (with optimizations):

RUSTFLAGS="--emit asm" cargo build --release
cat target/release/deps/project_name-hash.s

You can pass different values to the --emit parameter, including (but not limited to):

  • mir (Rust intermediate representation)
  • llvm-ir (LLVM intermediate representation)
  • llvm-bc (LLVM byte code)
  • asm (assembly)