How to get Domain name from URL using jquery..?
Try like this.
var hostname = window.location.origin
If the URL is "" then you will get "" as the result.
This won't work for local domains
When you have URL like "https://localhost/MyProposal/MyDir/MyTestPage.aspx"
and your virtual directory path is "https://localhost/MyProposal/"
In such cases, you will get "https://localhost".
You can do this with plain js by using
, same asdocument.location.hostname
document.domainNot recommended
This worked for me.
$(location).attr('port'); 8082
$(location).attr('protocol'); http:
$(location).attr('pathname'); index.php
$(location).attr('hash'); #tab2
$(location).attr('search'); ?foo=123
In a browser
You can leverage the browser's URL parser using an <a>
var hostname = $('<a>').prop('href', url).prop('hostname');
or without jQuery:
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
var hostname = a.hostname;
(This trick is particularly useful for resolving paths relative to the current page.)
Outside of a browser (and probably more efficiently):
Use the following function:
function get_hostname(url) {
var m = url.match(/^http:\/\/[^/]+/);
return m ? m[0] : null;
Use it like this:
This will return
as in your example output.
Hostname of the current page
If you are only trying the get the hostname of the current page, use document.location.hostname