How to get F# version number?

When you start up F# Interactive window in VS, you get something like:

Microsoft (R) F# 2.0 Interactive build
Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

For help type #help;;

> [Loading init.fsx]

which includes everything you need.

To open F# interactive window one can press : Ctrl+Alt+F.

Update (5/16/2018):

Information format seems to have changed a bit in VS 2017. Language version comes in the end :

Microsoft (R) F# Interactive version 10.1.0 for F# 4.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Whilst's solution is good, I prefer somthing I can put into a build script.

As such, I use a dummy F# project and build it using msbuild. - This will show the fsc.exe command line path.

Taking that path, I then run it without any arguments and it will show the version.

There doesn't seem to be a better way.

It's written in Windows' control panel's programs and features.

