How to get hex web String from JavaFX ColorPicker color?

The currently accepted answer of

return String.format("#%02X%02X%02X",

The most working answer among the ones currently available is Zon's (below for reference)

// 8 symbols.
  String hex1 = Integer.toHexString(myColorPicker.getValue().hashCode());

// With # prefix.
  String hex2 = "#" + Integer.toHexString(myColorPicker.getValue().hashCode()); 

// 6 symbols in capital letters.
  String hex3 = Integer.toHexString(myColorPicker.getValue().hashCode()).substring(0, 6).toUpperCase();

However this method runs into the issue of automatic removal of beginning zeros. If a color's hex values begin with 0's (eg #000000, #00A3FF, etc) the begining zeros will be automatically removed, leaving the string too short to function fully as a hex code. Color.BLACK produces hex "#FF" as it only maintains its opacity. The method below, as of JavaFX 8u112 fully solves the color to hex conversion.

String colorToHex(Color color) {
    String hex1;
    String hex2;

    hex1 = Integer.toHexString(color.hashCode()).toUpperCase();

    switch (hex1.length()) {
    case 2:
        hex2 = "000000";
    case 3:
        hex2 = String.format("00000%s", hex1.substring(0,1));
    case 4:
        hex2 = String.format("0000%s", hex1.substring(0,2));
    case 5:
        hex2 = String.format("000%s", hex1.substring(0,3));
    case 6:
        hex2 = String.format("00%s", hex1.substring(0,4));
    case 7:
        hex2 = String.format("0%s", hex1.substring(0,5));
        hex2 = hex1.substring(0, 6);
    return hex2;

Hope this saves someone the trouble I went through!

You can use the getGreen(), getBlue(), getRed() methods and convert it to hex.

    Color c;
    int green = c.getGreen()*255;

repeat this for red and blue then :

    String hexColor = "#"+red+green+blue;

This is the idea, the complete code (copy-pastable) :

    public class TestColor {

        public TestColor() {
            Color c = Color.ALICEBLUE;

             int green = (int) (c.getGreen()*255);
             String greenString = Integer.toHexString(green);

             int red = (int) (c.getRed()*255);
             String redString = Integer.toHexString(red);

             int blue = (int) (c.getBlue()*255);
             String blueString = Integer.toHexString(blue);

             String hexColor = "#"+redString+greenString+blueString;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestColor();

Translate a color into a web color code:

public class FxUtils
    public static String toRGBCode( Color color )
        return String.format( "#%02X%02X%02X",
            (int)( color.getRed() * 255 ),
            (int)( color.getGreen() * 255 ),
            (int)( color.getBlue() * 255 ) );

A floating point safe method:

// Helper method
private String format(double val) {
    String in = Integer.toHexString((int) Math.round(val * 255));
    return in.length() == 1 ? "0" + in : in;

public String toHexString(Color value) {
    return "#" + (format(value.getRed()) + format(value.getGreen()) + format(value.getBlue()) + format(value.getOpacity()))

The currently top voted answer isn't actually safe for many possible Color objects due to floating point representation and casting. Using Math.round(...) fixes this.

I was generating Color objects using random doubles (from Math.random()) with the Color.hsb(...) method. Without using Math.round(), the converted hexadecimal codes were off. If you're taking a similar approach to generating your colors, this method is suggested, as it is all around more safe.