Sharepoint - How to get only the document libraries from a sharePoint site using SharePoint Client Object Model?
Hi u just get all list from site and just check it's BaseType like this
using (ClientContext clientcontext= new ClientContext("http://your server"))
//Load Libraries from SharePoint
foreach (List list in clientcontext.Web.Lists)
if (list.BaseType.ToString() == "DocumentLibrary")
// here u get all document library
This is better as it only pulls back the document libraries rather than all the lists which you then have to check in a loop.
var Libraries = clientContext.LoadQuery(clientContext.Web.Lists.Where(l => l.BaseTemplate == 101));
Also note that I've used the BaseTemplate property which has more granularity than BaseType. You can get ListTemplate enumeration values which map to the CSOM BaseTemplate property from here.