how to get the all messages in a topic from kafka server

You can get all messages using the following command:

cd Users/kv/kafka/bin

./ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
  --topic topicName --from-beginning --max-messages 100

The easiest way would be to start a consumer and drain all the messages. Now I don't know how many partitions you have in your topic and whether you already have a an existing consumer group or not, but you have a few options:

Have a look at this API:

1) If you already have a consumer in the same consumer group, and still want to start consuming from the beginning, you should use the seek option listed in the API doc and set the offset to 0 for each consumer in the group. This would start consuming from the beginning.

2) Otherwise, you can start a few consumers in a new consumer group & you would not have to worry about seek.

PS: Please remember to provide more details about your setup in the future if you have more questions on Kafka. A lot of things depend on how you have configured your infrastructure & how you would prefer it to be and would thus vary from case to case.