How to get the json field names of a struct in golang?

You use the StructTag type to get the tags. The documentation I linked has examples, look them up, but your code could be something like

func (b example) PrintFields() {
  val := reflect.ValueOf(b)
  for i := 0; i < val.Type().NumField(); i++ {

NOTE The json tag format supports more than just field names, such as omitempty or string, so if you need an approach that takes care of that too, further improvements to the PrintFields function should be made:

  1. we need to check whether the json tag is - (i.e. json:"-")
  2. we need to check if name exists and isolate it

Something like this:

func (b example) PrintFields() {
  val := reflect.ValueOf(b)
  for i := 0; i < val.Type().NumField(); i++ {
    t := val.Type().Field(i)
    fieldName := t.Name

    switch jsonTag := t.Tag.Get("json"); jsonTag {
    case "-":
    case "":
        parts := strings.Split(jsonTag, ",")
        name := parts[0]
        if name == "" {
            name = fieldName

Instead of using StructField's Name, you can use Tag to get a StructTag object. See:

Then you can use StructTag's Get or Lookup methods to get the json tag:

Using Get:

func (b example) PrintFields() {
    val := reflect.ValueOf(b)
    for i := 0; i < val.Type().NumField(); i++ {
        // prints empty line if there is no json tag for the field

Using Lookup:

func (b example) PrintFields() {
    val := reflect.ValueOf(b)
    for i := 0; i < val.Type().NumField(); i++ {
        // skips fields without json tag
        if tag, ok := val.Type().Field(i).Tag.Lookup("json"); ok {

an updated version with a generic interface as parameter:

func PrintFields(b interface{}) {
    val := reflect.ValueOf(b)
    for i := 0; i < val.Type().NumField(); i++ {
        t := val.Type().Field(i)
        fieldName := t.Name

        if jsonTag := t.Tag.Get("json"); jsonTag != "" && jsonTag != "-" {
            // check for possible comma as in "...,omitempty"
            var commaIdx int
            if commaIdx = strings.Index(jsonTag, ","); commaIdx < 0 {
                commaIdx = len(jsonTag)
            fieldName = jsonTag[:commaIdx]


func (b example) PrintFields() {
    val := reflect.ValueOf(b)
    t := val.Type()
    for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {

See it in playground.