how to get the next autoincrement value in sql

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server. Use this statement to get current identity value of table. Then add your seed value which you have specified at time of designing table if you want to get next id.


To get the next auto-increment value from SQLServer :

This will fetch the present auto-increment value.


Next auto-increment value.

SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('table_name')+1; 

------> This will work even if you add a row and then delete it because IDENT_CURRENT returns the last identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.

try this:

SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('tbl_name') + IDENT_INCR('tbl_name');

As for me, the best answer is:

dbcc checkident(table_name)

You will see two values (probably same) current identity value , current column value